8 Benefits of Magento for Ecommerce Businesses

May 20th, 2024


6 min read.

Nearly 2.14 billion consumers now shop online. If you want to reach a lot of customers and grow your business, you should start an ecommerce store. One of the most important decisions to consider when launching your store is what platform you'll run your business on.

Part of running a successful online shop is leveraging the right platform. But choosing between Magento vs. BigCommerce vs. Shopify can be difficult. You need to select a platform that will easily help facilitate your growth and expansion.

When it comes to Magento vs. BigCommerce vs. Shopify, below are the benefits of using Magento and everything you need to know about this ecommerce platform.

What Is Magento?

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform that enables online retailers to build and manage their stores. With its robust features and customizable templates, it allows online businesses of all sizes to scale to the next level.

It also offers two different platforms: Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce Cloud.

While Commerce Cloud requires licensing fees, you can use Open Source for free. Both platforms offer users a wide range of features and benefits.

How Magento Works

The core structure of Magneto is built on a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture that allows developers to customise almost every aspect of a store. Its modular codebase lets online retailers integrate third-party modules and themes, extending the appearance and functionality of their stores.

Magento vs. BigCommerce vs. Shopify: Why Magneto Stands Out

Thousands of merchants use Magento, and you can be one of them. Here are reasons why you should consider using Magneto instead of the other ecommerce platforms.

1. Versatile Content Management

Magento has a content management system (CMS) that's resourceful in managing and modifying different types of content. This allows you to create blog posts, web pages, product descriptions, and more. As a result, you can constantly update fresh quality content on your store to attract clients.

If you want to increase conversions in your store, you can also use Magnetos CMS to build custom landing pages. Additionally, content management with Magento is easy thanks to the platform's intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

2. Mobile-Friendly Configuration

The use of smartphones has become a daily part of our lives. Apart from efficient communication, they allow customers to buy products and services on the go. This is why your online store needs to be mobile-friendly.

Magento makes it simple for ecommerce merchants to create responsive online stores that work seamlessly on smartphones, tablets, and more. The intuitive design lets you adjust the layout of the store to provide an optimal user experience no matter what mobile device your customers are using.

In addition, Magento also offers an advanced set of tools that you can use to create a unique mobile app for your ecommerce store.

3. Improved Scalability and Performance

As an entrepreneur, ensuring your online store is more scalable as your business grows is vital for your success. Magento is built on a modular architecture, allowing users to scale their web stores with ease. This means it can accommodate the needs of your growing business.

Magento also features performance-enhancing capabilities. From full-page caching to indexing, these features help your ecommerce store to load faster and run more smoothly. You don't have to worry about leaving your site fast because of slow loading times.

If your store is hosted on Magneto, it can also handle high traffic volume without slowing down.

4. Advanced SEO Features

Need an ecommerce platform that encourages organic traffic? You can never go wrong with Magento SEO features. These cutting-edge SEO functions can help your ecommerce store rank higher in SERPs, making it easy for buyers to find you.

For instance, the platform allows you to create custom meta descriptions and titles as well as do internal linking for all your store's pages. This can help to improve your click-through rates.

Magento also has built-in URLs that can help to boost your store's crawlability, leading to better SERP rankings. With all these SEO features, you can attract more traffic to your store and improve your sales.

5. Optimal Support

The faster you can fix issues with your ecommerce store, the sooner you can get back to gaining new clients and making sales. This is why you need advanced support options from your chosen ecommerce platform.

Luckily, Magento offers dependable customer support. It has an active community of developers, designers, and users that can help you with your Magento store anytime. You can use their comprehensive guides to get effective solutions to your problems.

Magento Commerce also provides direct customer service. This allows online retailers to raise tickets, call, or email their queries for fast responses.

6. Easy to Integrate with Third-Parties

To ensure a great shopping experience for users and boost sales, your ecommerce store needs to add multiple services such as payment gateways, order tracking, shipping, and more.

Integrating these third-party services is fast and simple with Magento. This can help you streamline your store's processes. As an omnichannel ecommerce platform, it makes it easy for your customers to buy your products.

7. Allows for Customization

Magento customization options are vast and premium. From the look of your web store to the design of your categories, the platform allows you to create a unique look for your store.

With the right developer, you can customise the functionality of your online to match your unique business needs.

8. Secure

With Magento, you can trust that your store is safe. The platform allows you to customise your store's security permissions. It has features that let you alter the level of access that your employees have to your ecommerce store's backend.

This helps keep your store data safe. It also prevents security issues from unauthorised personnel or malicious employees.

Take Your Online Store to the Next Level with Magento

Deciding between Magento vs. BigCommerce vs. Shopify? From the benefits mentioned above, it's clear that Magento is an amazing e-commerce platform to drive your business growth.

If you want to improve sales in your online store, look no further than Alien Systems. Our Magento hosting servers are fully equipped to deliver the best performance and 99.9% uptime. Learn more about our Magento solutions.

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